Senin, 18 Januari 2016

10 Cara menghilangkan stress menjelang pernikahan

PERSIAPAN mengahadapi pernikahan tidak jarang menimbulkan stress dan kekuatiran bagi pasangan calon pengantin.
Berikut tips agar tenang dan rileks menjelang hari istimewa seperti dilansir dari Huffington Post.

1. Sewa tenaga profesional
Ini merupakan acara yang sangat istimewa dan sangat bersejarah dalam hidup Anda. Gunakan tenaga profesional seperti TULIP WEDDING ORGANIZER yang sudah berpengalaman menangani situasi rumit dalam mempersiapkan acara seperti ini sehingga bisa meringankan beban pikiran.

2. Matikan telepon genggam
Usahakan Anda tidak sibuk mengurus telepon masuk, SMS, dan notifikasi email pada saat hari pernikahan. Matikan dan simpanlah atau serahkan telepon kepada anggota keluarga, jika memang menanti sesuatu yang sangat penting.

3.  Jangan merasa sungkan menerima bantuan
Ini hari besar Anda. Jangan sungkan menjawab "Iya" ketika ada yang bertanya "Ada yang bisa saya bantu?". Ini akan meringankan pekerjaan yang harus diselesaikan dan mengurangi stress di hari H.

4. Jangan merencanakan hal lain
Jadilah pengantin seutuhnya. Nikmati harimu sebagai pengantin. Jangan mengambil pekerjaan sampingan menjadi penerima tamu, pemeriksa dekor panggung, penyusun makan dan lainnya. Tersenyumlah dalam balutan pakaian pernikahan indah dan duduk manis di ruangan pengantinmu.

5. Fokus
Letakkan titik fokus anda agar merasa bahagia dan tampak cantik karena pada hari itu akan terekam kebahagiaan anda yang di kemudian hari dapat dilihat kembali.

6. Simpan nomor penting
Jangan lupa menyimpan nomor-nomor penting seperti: pengurus katering, panggung, wedding planner, pengelola gedung dan orang yang bersangkutan dalam mengurus pesta anda jika nanti membutuhkan dalam keadaan darurat. Tetapi tetap, jangan anda yang menyimpan telepon genggamnya.

7. Posisikan diri dalam aura positif
Tersenyumlah. Berbincanglah dengan keluarga, sahabat dan teman. Habiskan waktu sebelum acara mulai di lingkungan dan kondisi yang memancarkan aura positif.

8. Letakkan sumber penyemangat di hadapan anda
Bagi beberapa orang, kata-kata mutiara, foto, lukisan atau pajangan menjadi bentuk penyemangat yang berdampak besar dalam mengurangi rasa cemas dan ketakutan menjelang detik-detik mulainya acara. Tataplah benda tersebut dan bangun rasa semangat dalam diri.

9. Atur bagaimana cara menenangkan diri sendiri
Jika anda punya cara tersendiri untuk menenangkan diri seperti pijitan ringan sebelum didandani atau cemilan kesukaan, lakukanlah sebelum melangkahkan kaki di pelaminan.

10. Ingat makna hari pernikahan
Jangan lupa mengucapkan syukur serta berdoa agar semua proses berjalan lancar dan Anda dan pasangan dapat menjalani bahtera rumah tangga yang tak terpisahkan.
Dengan ini, Anda dapat tersenyum lega dan bahagia tanpa stress pada hari pernikahan

Minggu, 17 Januari 2016

Wedding Ceremony Format

Preludes, interludes and readings…oh my!!! How to make a wedding ceremony format?
So just how do these various pieces fit together to form a flowing and meaningful wedding ceremony? While there are many ways in which you can personalize the structure of your wedding ceremony, the basic format of most ceremonies can be broken down into the following segments.
Typically lasting anywhere from 15 – 45 minutes in length, the prelude is usually accompanied by some light, festive music performed by your ceremony musician(s) as guests arrive and are shown to their seats. The final guests to be seated are typically the grandparents, mothers and other special family members; a specific musical selection or two can be chosen to accompany their entrance as well.
You bridal party now begins to enter the ceremony hall and proceed down the aisle. Depending on the size of your bridal party, you should plan on choosing 2-3 musical selections: one for the bride (or brides/grooms in the case of a same-sex wedding), plus one or two for the rest of the bridal party.
Welcome/Opening Remarks
Your officiant will often greet your guests and remind them of why they are gathered there today, and might also offer a short sermon or prayer about the meaning of marriage, love, etc.
It is very common to invite loved ones or close friends to read one or more selections that either you or they have selected to add meaning and perspective to your marriage ceremony.
TIP: Many couples wonder how to transition from one reading to the next, if you are having multiple readings and/or readers. One idea is to simply have your wedding officiant introduce the next reader (“We’ll now have a reading by ___________.”) Another option is to have your ceremony musician(s) insert a brief musical interlude (no more than 30 sec. – 1 min.) while a second reader approaches the altar.
Question of Intent
In this segment of the ceremony, you will be questioned by your officiant about your willing consent and commitment to enter into the union of marriage.
You and your fiancĂ© will now be able to share your own promises and hopes for the future, and your commitment to one another. This is a wonderful opportunity to customize your ceremony by writing your own vows.
Exchange of Rings
Unity Candle Lighting (Optional)
In this ceremony, two individual candles are lit earlier in the ceremony (often by the mothers or parents before they take their seats) and then passed to the couple to light a third pillar together, symbolizing the joining of their lives. Some couples wish to extinguish the individual candles at this point, while others will elect to keep all three burning – signifying that their individuality will carry over into marriage.
Final Blessing
The newly-married couple takes their first walk down the aisle, followed by the wedding party, family and guests; a musical selection chosen in advance will begin following the couple’s kiss or any final announcements.
Other upbeat and festive musical selections should continue until the final guests exit the ceremony area.

Selasa, 12 Januari 2016


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Bali Beach Wedding

Bali Beach Wedding in Sawangan Beach. more info visit our website: or contact us at: +62 361 474 7153. choose our selection of pre-wedding, wedding ceremony, and reception packages. and make your dream wedding come true with TULIP WEDDING ORGANIZER